Theme Evolution
v.3.3.1 (Feb 28, 2014):
1. Slider Revolution updated to newest version. 2. Fixed: issue with OL list shortcode. 3. Fixed: in "progress bars" widget hiding of percent is not working. 4. Fixed: minor bug with encoding. 5. Improved: fancy headers. Added "repeat" background option when parallax is enabled. 6. Fixed: issue with scroller when "back" button was not working. 7. Fixed: "redundant" setting in rows of Visual Composer. 8. Minor visual improvements in the admin area.
1. Theme Options overhaul: - theme options export/import; - "Theme Options" menu in the front-end toolbar; - "Smooth Scrolling" on/off for all page templates; - "Weibo" social icon; - numerous visual and usability improvements. 2. Improved: Lightbox for videos in Portfolio Scroller. 3. Improved: Safe theme autoupdate without losing translation files. 4. Improved: Navigation with top and bottom "select" menus on mobiles. 5. Fixed: Vertical misalignment of lightbox image counter. 6. Fixed: External "anchor" links do not scroll to the target stripe. 7. Fixed: Contact from fonts. 8. Fixed: Submenus overlapped by sidebar. 9. Fixed: Logo visibility on WooCommerce pages (since WooCommerce ver. 2.1.0). 10. Fixed: WooCommerce product name. 11. Fixed: Portfolio items ordering when switching among categories (“Pagination & filter with AJAX” or “Load more button & filter with AJAX” loading mode). 12. Fixed: Incorrect link of portfolio project date. 13. Fixed: Responsiveness of Microsite template logo. 14. Fixed: W3T Cache, DataBase cache errors. 15. Fixed: Column layout 1/6 + 5/6.
1. Removed Visual Composer activation notification. 2. Solved issue with FB like buttons "liking" wrong images. 3. Most recent versions of Slider Revolution and Layer Slider are included to theme installable file (they where mistakingly downgraded in v.3.2.0).
1. New features in portfolio & photo albums (masonry, grid, justified grid): - AJAX sorting & categorization; - AJAX pagination; - AJAX "Load more" button. 2. Visual Composer updated to newest version. 3. Improved: Maps shortcode works with new Google Maps UI. 4. Improved: social icons rendering and alignment. 5. Improved: unlimited colors for pie charts & counters. 6. Improved: new "website" field in contact form shortcode. 7. Improved: mobile menu on Windows Phone. 8. Improved: responsive top bar layout. 9. Improved: new spinning "loading" image. 10. Improved: Links in testimonials are now being opened in new browser window. 11. Fixed: "Loading image #%curr%..." in portfolio lightbox. 12. Fixed: issue with floating menu colour ІЕ8. 13. Fixed: bug with metro gallery in IE8. 14. Fixed: Bug in WPML: if blog page set as a Front-page, pagination works only for a default language. 15. Fixed: Click on "Related projects" is not working. 16. Fixed: issue in IE9 with contact form fields messed. 17+. Numerous other small tweaks, fixes and improvements.
v.3.1.2 and 3.1.3:
1. New feature: Random ordering for shortcodes in Visual Composer. 2. Updated: LayerSlider to v.5.0.2. 3. Fixed: Alignment of Portfolio hovers on mobiles. 4. Fixed: Alignment of the Menu button. 5. Fixed: Problem with parallax in IE11. 6. Fixed: Placement of Benefits icons in Mozilla FireFox. 7. Fixed: Brocken layout of portfolios, galleries, etc. if "blur on hover" enabled in Mozilla FireFox. 8. Fixed: Images sizing issue on retina devices (and in some other cases). 9. Fixed: Removing inappropriate titles on “Events Calendar” pages. 10. Fixed: Top bar content translation. 11. Fixed: Error when viewing an attachment page. 12. Fixed: Enable click on "Related projects" in a single portfolio post. 12+1. Fixed: Issue with paths and SSL (on multisite configuration, and in case of non standard WordPress configuration all remains the same).
1. "Theme Options" section optimized to match styling of WordPress 3.8 admin area. 2. Updated: Slider Revolution v. 4.1.4. 3. Updated: LayerSlider v.5.0.0. 4. New dummy content with all page layouts & slideshows. 5. Portfolio & photo albums hovers: - optimized for IE8; - improved behavior on touch devices. 6. Fixed: in IE9 contact form fields are messed up. 7. Fixed: Similar portfolio projects. Links on images don't work. 8. Fixed: Masonry & grid layouts don't work in IE 8. 9. Fixed: Small gap before comments in blog posts. 10. Fixed: Filters for portfolio & photo albums grid layouts don't work on some touch devices.
1. New feature: new cool image hover effects for: - portfolio, photo albums, gallery templates; - all portfolio shortcodes. 2. New masonry settings in all templates and shortcodes: - target column width (in px) instead of number of columns; - 100% width settings; - gap between columns (in px); - improvements in setting up image proportions. 3. New setting: "zoom" button in portfolio templates & shortcodes. 4. New settings: now you can create buttons with fontawesome icons. 5. New setting in teaser shortcode: target blank/self for image link. 6. New setting for porthole slider: hide captions. 7. New setting in media gallery with bulk action for hiding image title. 8. New setting: hover color for social icons in top bar. 9. Social icons have been converted to icon font. 10. Better theme compatibility with The Events Calendar plugin. 11. Bug fixed: wrong text color in Go Pricing Tables plugin embedded in stripes. 12. Bug fixed: if link to an anchor, top-bar height is cut. 13. Bug fixed: validation engine contains a wrongly named file for check language. 14. Bug fixed: photos scroller - if "lightbox" option is disabled, images keep being displayed in lightbox. 15. Bug fixed: "Leave a comment" is not translatable. 16. Bug fixed: Fancy header title is not visible on Windows phone.
1. New UNIQUE template: Microsite. May be used for landing pages, one-page-sites, blank pages,.. even sterling sites-in-site! Features: - select custom menu; - enable / disable top bar, header, floating menu, bottom bar; - use custom logos, logo links and favicon; - enable / disable beautiful page loading; - choose wide or boxed layout; - custom CSS field; - all regular options like header, slideshow, sidebars etc. settings are also available. 2. New template: Portfolio - justified grid. 3. New template: Albums - justified grid. 4. New template: Gallery - justified grid. 5. New layout: "Justified grid" in portfolio shortcode. 6. "Anchor" setting for rows added. 7. "Minimum height" setting for rows added. 8. "Top margin" and "Bottom margin" for default row style added (note that this may cause slight spacing changes on existing sites). 9. Menus now works with anchors (for micro sites) 10. New settings in "Fancy media shortcode": top margin, bottom margin, left margin, right margin (note that this may cause slight spacing changes on existing sites). 11. New setting in "Teasers" shortcode - now you can set up misc links on images. 12. Minor improvements in "Message boxes" shortcode. 13. Bug with "Portfolio scroller" shortcode on pages with overlapping fancy header - fixed. 14. Bug with disabling blog post format icon - fixed. 15. Bug with "Close" icon positioning in "Portfolio scroller" shortcode with text hovers - fixed. 16. Bug with "liking" single image in photo album via FB - fixed. 17. Bug with pagination in bread crumbs - fixed. 18. Bug with disabling menu hover frame & backgrounds in floating menu - fixed. 19. Bug with floating menu + boxed layout - fixed. 20. Improved rendering in IE11. 21. Bug on mobile devices on pages with transparent header + fancy header - fixed.
1. Fixed bug with broken auto-play in porthole slider. 2. Fixed "tripEdvisor" typo.
1. New feature: icon font option added to benefits shortcode. 2. Fixed bug in breadcrumbs. 3. Fixed bug with sorting settings not being displayed correctly in portfolio / gallery. 4. Fixed issue with margin of last element in Benefits.
1. New feature: we supercharged Primary Menu (now its Mega Menu)! Features: - Icons (custom images or icon-font). - Subtitles. - Multiple menu rows / columns. Theme Options > Header options: - Enable / disable frames & backgrounds in main menu. - Enable / disable arrow level indicators for main menu and drop down menus. - Icon size settings. 2. New plugin: Go Tables (check out "Plugins" folder in theme package). 3. New option: Turn off page titles. 4. Slider Revolution & Layer Slider updated to most recent versions (check out "Plugins" folder in theme package). 5. New Breadcrumbs with RDFA markup. 6. New settings in portfolio metro gallery: "number of columns" and "make first image large". 7. New setting in portfolio project: "open featured image in lightbox". 8. New setting for "row element" in Visual Composer: now you can add 100%-width content. 9. Fixed placeholders on inputs in IE8. 10. Fixed gallery bug in Mobile Chrome. 11. Compatibility with map plugins (check out theme demo for details). 12. Fixed bug with not working "View Album" links. 13. Fixed issue with Codestyle Localization not being able to translate some fields in admin area. 14. Improved theme behavior with turned off responsiveness. 15. Fixed bug in menu when database caching is enabled. 16. Improved Fancy Media shortcode. 17. New social icon added - Fousquare. 18. LayerSlider "carousel" layout was slightly modified to fit themes design.
1. Deep optimization. Particularly on mobile devices. 2. New lightbox with better responsiveness. 3. New shortcode "Fancy video" - image with video link, which opens in lightbox. 4. New features for WooCommerce: - Individual sidebars & footers are now available for every page: shop, products, cart etc. - Sidebar positioning options are now available for WooCommerce: left sidebar / right sidebar / sidebar disabled (fullwidth page). - Fancy headers, header slideshows, enable/disable page title option are now available for all WooCommerce pages. 5. Benefits shortcode - new 1 column layout setting. 6. Featured images on blog posts pages can be opened in lightbox. 7. IE8: placeholders in contact form fields and a search form are not visible - bug fixed. 8. Minor color changes & layout improvements in "Pie chart" shortcode. 9. E-mail icon now opens email client on click. 10. Portfolio scroller shortcode with text on hover - minor layout improvements. 11. WooCommerce: "Check-out" and "My account" page mobile layouts are messed up - fixed. 12. If breadcrumbs -> off, Title position -> left or right, in Chrome title is shifted to the center - fixed. 13. (Hopefully) fixed issue with doubling of blurred images in Chrome on Windows 8. 14. Changed timings on main menu. 15. New pages in dummy content.
Solved error that prevented update to WordPress v.3.7 with The7 v.1.4.0
1. New feature (beta)! Theme auto-updates (check out "WP-admin > Theme Options > Theme Updates"). 2. New feature! Custom menus in top and bottom lines now support drop-down. 3. New layout setting: portfolio scroller shortcode - with caption on image hovers. 4. New setting: bread crumbs can be disabled in fancy headers. 5. Layout improvements in "widgetized sidebar" shortcode. 6. New pages in dummy content. 7. Improved appearance of forms elements. 8. Password protected posts appearance improvements. 9. Fixed bug with duplicated "Submit" button in comments section.
1. New feature! Layer Slider: homepage slideshow and shortcode. 2. New feature! 3 page title layouts: centred, left-side, right-side. 3. New feature! floating menu style with logo. 4. New setting: enable / disable bread crumbs. 5. New setting: enable / disable floating menu. 6. New settings in Metro Gallery shortcode: now gallery supports columns (1-6), first big image can be disabled. 7. Stripes with video backgrounds - minor bug fixes. 8. Issue with e-mail icons in "Team" post type - fixed. 9. Issue with grayscale image hovers in Metro Slider - fixed. 10. Minor layout improvements in tabs shortcode. 11. WooCommerce: minor appearance improvements. 12. Nextgen Gallery plugin: minor compatibility & design improvements. 13. Pricing Tables plugin: minor layout improvements. 14. Minor design changes in all skins: added color & transparency for transparent headers. 15. Changes in dummy content: Layer Slider dummy slideshow & one more homepage added. 16. 3D Slideshow: improved performance on hand-held devices. 17. Fixed issue with twitter like button (no gaps between words).
1. Significant improvements in WooCommerce appearance. 2. "Gallery" shortcode now supports columns. 3. Video backgrounds for stripes! 4. Option to disable cart in the Top Bar added. 5. Compatibility with "MailChimp for WP Lite". 6. Uber Menu plugin [limited] compatibility. 7. Added option to insert a widget area in Visual Composer.
1. Added Ajax WooCommerce shopping cart in header. 2. Improved animation. 3. Improver images loading. 4. Benefits shortcode - issue with dividers fixed. 5. Fancy headers. Added settings: header height, fixed background, parallax background. 6. Transparent header option added. 7. Added text areas in top bar & bottom bar. 8. Issue with padding between main custom menu & search icon fixed. 9. “Error: Less css is not writable!” message issue is fixed.
1. Memory usage optimisation. 2. Fallback to inline CSS in case customization CSS file cannot be created. 3. Parallax stripes: improved backgrounds loading, optimized for iPad and iPhone. 4. Theme Options >> General >> Border radius setting added. 5. Stripe presets: 4 (light texts and lines) and 5 (dark text & lines). 6. Added ALTs for fancy mages and teasers. 7. Compatibility with Rotating Tweets (Twitter widget & shortcode) by Martin Tod. 8. Fixed links issue in portfolio shortcodes. 9. Improved logo responsiveness. 10. Added WooCommerce cart icon to the top bar. 11. Slider Revolution updated to v 3.0.95.
1. Parallax speed & direction settings for stripes. Demo page: . 2. Portfolio posts. Image list. Paddings between images added, descriptions styling changed. 3. Overlapping headers + fixed backgrounds in stripes - fix for webkit browsers. 4. Main menu with 2+ levels. "Make parent menu items clickable" option fixed. 5. Testimonials slider shortcode with no avatars - bug fixed. 6. Conflict with Coming Soon / Maintenance mode plugin - solved. 7. Porthole slideshow - better responsiveness of video icon. 8. Now social like buttons can be enabled on every page. 9. Bug with YouTube social icon - fixed. 10. Bug with Pinterest social icon - fixed. 11. Trashed slideshows are being displayed in "Set slideshow" lists on pages - fixed.
1. Improved blur image hovers. 2. Minor bug fixes: dividers in related portfolio projects meta info, video hover in metro gallery. 3. Porthole slider. When slider contains only one image (video) - swipe gestures and navigation bullets are disabled. 4. "Photos scroller" shortcode - improved compatibility with Android devices. 5. Pricing tables - improved responsiveness. 6. "Tooltip" shortcode - minor bug fixes. 7. Pages with posts (blog, portfolio, testimonials, photo albums, team) & slideshow in header - now slideshow is displayed only on the fist page. 8. Grayscale image hover - minor bug fixes (compatibility with Revolution slider). 9. Better compatibility of fullscreen backgrounds with mobile devices. 10. "Custom CSS" textarea added to "Theme Options > General".
1. Fixed issues with less.php. 2. Minor code improvements.
1. Accordion shortcode loading. 2. "To the top" button added. 3. Arrows on portfolio scroller & photos scroller. 4. Standard blog template responsiveness. 5. Styles for Gravity Form plugin. 6. New dummy content.
1. Tabs & Tour - minor appearance & responsiveness improvements. 2. Benefits - responsiveness improvements. 3. Photos widgets, Flickr widget, Portfolio widget - appearance & responsiveness. 4. Photo Scroller shortcode - better touch scree compatibility. 5. New dummy for Slider Revolution.